How to remove your IP from the 0spam(Zero Spam) project DNSBL?
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How to remove your IP from the 0spam(Zero Spam) project DNSBL
- Scan your computer(s)/server(s) for malicious software
- If it is a class C IP range you will need to notify your IP provider so they can contact other users in your class C IP range to prevent further abuse.
- If you run a newsletter/emailing service, you should verify that your users are following a verified opt in subscription model.
- If you have a stand alone server verify you are not purchasing email lists, this is how you were most likly listed.
- If you provide free email service to unverified users you should limit sending to no more than 200 emails a day in order to prevent abuse and listing.
Request Types:
Removal - For reporting a fix on your server and requesting it be removed from our black listing service.You must provide an explanation of what has been done to make sure we do not receive reports of spam from your IP Address/Range in the future. IMPORTANT!Other - Other reports that do not apply to any of the above or if you would like to support the 0spam project.
You should verify that your system is not compromised or open to relay.
You should Check your IP with other black lists at the complete DNSBL check.
Verify that your dns records are setup properly, an example of a proper dns report should look like this.
Service Request - 0spam provides premium anti-spam services, please use this option to request premium anti-spam.
Questions and Answers
- Frequently Asked Q & ACommonly asked questions. If you have a question, it's likely already be answered here.
- What is a DNSBL or DNS Block List?A list of IP addresses that have been identified as sources of spam, used to block unwanted emails.
- How to remove your IP Address?Follow the instructions here to complete the removal of an IP address from 0spam DNSBL
- Why is my IP address listed?Common reasons your IP may be listed in the 0spam DNSBL.
- Q & A | How is 0spam funded0Spam is supported by donations and additional services.