This is not for removals. If you need to make a removal request, check to verify you are actually listed in the database first.
Not a Removal Request, Support Only:
In order to create a support ticket you must have a 0spam account and Log in. If you do not yet have an account create an account first.
Our Support Tickets are managed by people and we need to pay them, our fee is $10 per ticket. Fee's will only be refunded for the following reasons:
- You have followed all instructions but encountered an error or unexpected behavior with the 0spam platform.
- You have a question about our paid services.
- You would like to be a sponsor for the 0spam Project.
- You run an antispam service and would like access to our raw data.
- Removal request form is not working. Read instructions, and verify you didn't make any mistakes. If you are still having issues, let us know by including full details.
- You found a bug and would like to report it.
- Have another good reason and request a refund using the refund request button in the support ticket system.