How is 0spam funded?
The 0Spam project is supported by donations from great people like you. Donations are used to improve support and functionality of the platform.
Our Sponsor for today, 1/22/2025
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The 0Spam primary source of support comes in the form of donations to the project by the IT & sysadmin community. Each donation helps us improve the platform and add additional functionality improving spam detection and false positive awareness.
The Project also offers additional services, including:
- IP Notification Services: Network Administrators are notified each time an IP that they manage is listed in the 0spam database. Confirmed network administrators are granted a 24 hour grace period before listings go live. However, repeated abuse of this feature will result in permanant rejection from the IP Notifiation services.
- Donations from IP owners: Currently we provide free notifications to IP owner Abuse Contacts.
You must be the official IP abuse contact in order to receive these notifications.
Questions and Answers
- Frequently Asked Q & ACommonly asked questions. If you have a question, it's likely already be answered here.
- What is a DNSBL or DNS Block List?A list of IP addresses that have been identified as sources of spam, used to block unwanted emails.
- How to remove your IP Address?Follow the instructions here to complete the removal of an IP address from 0spam DNSBL
- Why is my IP address listed?Common reasons your IP may be listed in the 0spam DNSBL.
- How is 0spam funded0Spam is supported by donations and additional services.
- How do I configure 0spam for SendmailFollow these steps to configure and in Sendmail